Thursday, February 2, 2012

The temptation

Sorry about the blogging hiatus. I am dealing with some health issues & work busy-ness.

Today, the renovation's incremental progress hit a milestone - all the plumbing rough ins are now done. Dad added extra special touches, such as:
- moved the plumbing between the joists in the basement, to raise the basement ceiling 6"
- routed the shower and sink water lines separately (so people can brush their teeth without scalding someone in the shower)
- the vent for the bath/shower drain was move from an interior wall into an exterior wall. this eliminates a wall in the bathroom.

But this "state of readiness" presents a problem to me...
the toilet water intake (the braided silver tube) and poo drain. 
vanity hot/cold inputs and drain.

See all those knobs and switches?
If I turn any of them, water will shoot out 20ft.
the bathtub faucet hot/cold and drain pipe.

this is the shower on switch.

I've been firmly instructed
any of them.

ooooo, temptation!

Tomorrow we begin the floor heating system. The box came with a DVD, and instructions and a 1-800 number.
I'm taking the afternoon off work to help.

Here's a link to the installation steps.

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