I'm still in a naturopath assigned detox diet, so I'm cranky. This did not bode well.
In any case, Dad and I installed the sucker.
Here are the steps:
1a. vacuumed the floor
1b. sponged down the floor
3. install the lead from the wire to the thermostat holding area in the wall

4. measure 2" out from the walls and 1" out for objects (and potential future objects). measure 6" out from the toilet. I used orange highlighter for giggles.
doesn't that shadow on the wall look like a nose?
5. begin layout out the wire at 4" increments. have a rule close by to double check your spacing.
6. realize there are some weird spots and try laying it out a different way.
7. run out of cable too early and remove 1/2 of it, to the doorway and start again.
8. finish it and take a break. a well earned break.
9. have someone who owns a meg-ohm-meter test the cable to make sure it's still intact.
note: the spacers that are not screwed down are placed there for stabilizing the wires tomorrow. We ran out of screws and were tired of crouching and balancing over wires.
Friday Feb 3 Update: dad screwed down the rest of the wire holders today. The installation passed ESA inspection and it was covered with mortar. Now it sits for 24hours and hardens and dries.
ETA: It is now Sunday night and the floor was put in Friday afternoon, it is still not dry, so the heat is cranked and a heat lamp has been applied.
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