here are today's featured improvements:

These are the original taps for the bath tub. the drain and overflow drain cover are new.
The taps where not set correctly, so dad had to grind them out and reset the insides so that they worked and did not leak. a big, tedious job.
The outside of the tub, you can see the new drain and overflow pipes and the lines that feed the tub.

This is the vanity and the new sink.
This is the new low flow toilet. I bought it at the Home Depot/ City of Guelph instant rebate day. Hello $25 toilet.
The medicine cabinet above it is the flaren model from ikea. It has anti-slam hinges.
in the corner where the old closet was, there is a new cabinet. it is the ikea akurum kitchen high cabinet. with one small door and one large door.
the hardware clips on with pressure expanders, so there are no screws in the door.
it's bolted to the wall in the back and caulked so that water can't get behind it. The side of it though will need painting with melamine paint, to ensure the water stays out.
so Dad went to a plumbing place called Stan's in Guelph and the person who bought this unit returned it, so it was on sale for $60. SOLD!
I'm unhappy with the way it interfaces with the shower head, so i'm on the search for a longer bar, but it will do for now.
I better get sewing up the curtain!
there are only small things left to do:
- make and hang shower curtain (done Mar 16th)
- install double towel bar (done April-ish)
- re-insulate and replace the ceiling below it in the basement (May 2012)
- paint the frames and install doors (done Mar 16th)
- install the blind (done Mar 16th)
The launch is March 17th!
and then it's done